What We Do

As the Humanity volunteer organization, Universal Humanity Foundation (UHF) Canada have been working in the Humans Well-being and Peacebuilding sectors jointly with “THE ART OF LIVING (AOL) FOUNDATION”to develop and maintain a resilience Well-being & Peace for Humanity.

A prominent Research Team including Volunteers of Universal Humanity Foundation (UHF) Canada and Canada Home Consultancy & Hi-Tech Solution Inc. have been working on a scientific research project to establish a Universal ‘Organic Bio-Chemical Hacking Method (OBHM)’ named “Pain2Peace” to attain sustainable Organic Peace by using Humans Neuro & BioSystems ” –and hope we will be able to present a complete Scientific Method’s – Peace2Peace APPS (p2p APPS) to building Organic Stable Peace by 2025. We have been working on a “Scientific Human-assisted Organic Method” to produce sustainable Peace for this Universe and there will be ‘50% guaranteed cost savings procedures’ on Peace & Security budget.  Based on the Scientific Organic Method, simply we need to pay the highest dedication and legitimate Uni-support for Uni-Health & Education System from “Mother Womb to the age of  18” to produce Uni-human who will be addicted but for “YES” to Unconditional Love & Peace and will just say “NO” to Hatred/Wars/ Crimes/Conflicts’.

Scientific Research Project on
Human Security & International Peacebuilding

To build the “2nd GENERATION Universal-HUMAN”

The Evolutionary Stages of Inbound Marketing – Which Generation are You?

The aim is to implement an Intervention of IPM (Inner-peace Method) in Global Education System a Scientific-Transformative Exploratory Mixed Laboratory Research Method and develop “resilient mental health and well-being program” for Global Education System.  

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights — Writ Large

The fundamental components of sustainable well-being, and a peaceful environment is the protection of people against threats to life, health, livelihood, personal safety, and human dignity. The concept of well-being and a peaceful environment is people-centered, and it transmits attention to development methods from increased productivity to individual human development to empowering people and societies as a means of overall well-being. In the twenty-first century, humanity is in an ultimate disaster in several ways because of the traditional concept of development, which is ‘material growth’ oriented and not ‘people centered’. There has been a huge development happening in several sectors including infrastructures, technology, communication, economics, and health. But human development including inner-peace building is underprivileged because of the intermittent implementation of appropriate actions by the UN. The entire humanity is the victim of the so-called superpowers as the UN has been trying their level best to intervene on time to protect peoples ‘vital core’. However, in reality to secure human rights inclusively, we need to explore how individuals’ consciousness and morality are gradually developed through inner-peace (SEL-social and emotional learning) programs. 

The Global Classroom | Education in the 21st Century

According to the OECD’s Survey on Social and Emotional Skills – SSES (2021), “the benefits of developing children’s social and emotional skills go beyond cognitive development and academic outcomes; they are also important drivers of mental health and labor market prospects (p.9)”. The OECD’s survey in the title of ‘Beyond Academic Learning’ is one of the first universal efforts on the SEL, and they collected data from students, parents, and teachers on the social and emotional skills of students at ages 10 and 15. This global survey has revealed that

While global education systems are constantly adapting to the new challenges posed by the pandemic, it is also important to recognize that with their classrooms, peer relationships, and support systems upended by the school closures, many students might be facing the emotional stress of adapting to their new learning environments. Developing strong social and emotional skills are fundamental if pupils are to remain focused and motivated in difficult learning environments and could therefore be key to addressing the main difficulties that students may encounter again in the near future if the second wave of school closures were to materialize before the health crisis has been fully addressed. If the COVID-19 crisis has taught us anything, it is that to stay ahead and thrive, people need not just cognitive skills but social and emotional ones too. Only together can they equip us for an uncertain and demanding world, and help us achieve prosperous and healthy lives (p.7).

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 25) as human beings all we have the same rights, and reasonable access to food, clothing, housing, medical care, and necessary social services. But, unfortunately, in reality, lots of people around this world cannot maintain a peaceful life in their states as well as outside because of the traditional ‘Development Model’, which is controlled by the superpowers. To take several studies in point on inclusive development, the focus on the production in the development policy does not offer the best strategy to build sustainable well-being, and a peaceful living environment but rather gives importance to the material growth which insisting power mobilization. The human development approach has referent objects of people, communities, and states which ensure the security of human rights, protection of individual security including the freedom to choose freedom from fear, and dignity. Whereas traditional development models including economics, infrastructures, technology, and communication failed to meet all requirements to secure individuals, and international communities because of their limited referent objects, values, perception of threat, and practical instrument to protect. 

World Peace will not arise from overthrowing dictatorial supremacies or increasing productivity, it will happen when humanity raises individual consciousness with an unconditional love beyond that of fear and hatred. To build sustainable well-being, and a peaceful living environment, we need to set up our intelligence, and experiment in a common ground through a distinctive philosophical approach – the ‘Inner-Peace (SEL- social and emotional learning) Method’ in the global education system. The SEL as an ‘Inner-Peace Method’ will focus to place prevalence on the human to incite transformation through the training, and development for individuals in academic programs, participating learners in the different moral, and social learning programs. There is growing evidence that as the most effective inner-peace mechanism, Meditation and Scientific Breathing Technique (Pranayama) in wide-ranging impacts participants in the areas of inner-peace including physical, mental, academic, social, and behavioral outcomes. The scientific breathing technique ‘Pranayama’ is the most ancient holistic method which has incorporated in meditation practice to regulate mind and breathe.

Based on researches and practical evidence, the inner-peace program through Social and Emotional Learning at the schools, colleges, universities, vocational institutions can be the most valuable tool to improve pupils/learners’ overall well-being including perspective, resilience, moral competence, attitudes, spirituality etc. Modern science has proven that through an inner-peacebuilding practices, people can train to become peaceful but unfortunately, people do not take this revolutionary idea seriously. Even in a situation where being stressed, feeling anxious and emotional scars are realistic and existing threats, inner-peace/happiness has the power to improve an individual’s life immensely through awareness, compassion, patience, and inspiration. I would recommend policy makers to implement the “Inner-Peace in the Global Education System: Building Sustainable Well-being and Better Living Environment” as the inner-peace programs through “Social and Emotional Learning” in the global education system. It will be tremendously effective to demolish hatred, corruption, nepotism, manipulation, and violence which will lead to building a conscious human generation and a peaceful living environment. 


Participants only State Representatives & International Networks
Lunch “UnitedEducation Portal ‘IPM’ &
UnitedEducation Manual (Print)


Submit UnitedEducation* Action Plan through the State Government  

@ General Assembly, United Nations H.Q. NY USA

MOTTO of UHC’2025

“Build an “ORGANIC 2ND GENERATION HUMAN” through UnitedEducation*”

Since the beginning of human history, millions of our ancestors (including Scientists, Spiritual Mentors, Medical professionals, and all professionals in different fields) have been discovered unlimited arts of living methods as such, today we are able to lead our life with the most comfortable and convenient ever! However, as we have a strong background of the invention to build this Planet’s most beautiful place to live, NOW! we definitely need to try our best to modify our Individual Life Style by simply exploring the Science of the Human Body & Life Leading Technology to maintain an optimum level of well-being with “Disease-free and Painless – Human Life”.

The origination and recognition of the Universal Manifesto for the expansion of the Organic Humanity which meets universal evolution competitions; the creation of ideal environments encouraging the marvelous spiritual insight of humanity; and the expertise of a novel progressive genuineness based on the universal principles including supernatural spirituality, core humanity nation, universal integrity, and scientific lifestyles.

Now it is not only an issue about Religion, Nationality, Culture, Tradition or a specific Believe System, which are individual’s internal choice of lifestyles but also merely a high priority common interest about ‘Optimum Well-being’ of Human Community and which is obviously 100% belongs to Human Body and it’s Operational Technology.

As the best gift of Super-Nature, the human body mechanism has reserved unlimited potentiality to make this Planet the safest and comfortable place for all living beings. However, to build a peaceful Planet, this is the crucial time to put together our intelligence and experiments in a common ground by administering “the Universal Education & Medical System” to boost up Organic Humanity.

The difference between a target, a output, and an outcome - The Orgtology  Blog

01. To ensure High degree Life Performance

02. To Boosting a Disease -free Body performance

03. To obtain Optimum Mental Strength

04. To maintain Scientific-spiritual Life Style

05. To make sure Universal Knowledge of Humanity with Zero-Discrimination

06.  Help to reduce War/Conflicts/Army costs by educating people trough Masterclasses /Workshops

07.  Help to reduce regional/global Medical Costs by boosting Immunity and Respiratory Systems of Body

08. Help to reduce global Legal Costs by resolving conflicts and Hatred through   Yoga/Mindfulness/Meditation/Energy Healing practice

10. By reducing worldwide Medical and War costs, help all Government/Public/Private/NGO sectors to allot the Highest Budget to prevent Natural disaster

11. By reducing worldwide Medical and War costs, help all Government/Public/Private/NGO sectors to make sure more investments to discover medicine with treatment for humans known and unknows Diseases


To attain sustainable Peace
Scientific Organic Peacebuilding Method


**Only 18 Years Time Frame to get an Organic Human Community with sustainable Peace**


Simply through Scientific Human Conscious Movement!!

In fact, World Peace will not arise from overthrowing dictatorial supremacies or ending wars or conflicts between nations. It will happen automatically when humanity raises Individual Consciousness with Unconditional Love beyond that of fear and hatred.

“Human got the authority by nature to ENJOY ANYTHING SIMPLY”
nothing will stop us from living the life we want!
Simply by “Practicing Conscious Actions/Movements with Positive Affirmations”

Words become affirmations, and affirmations become reality, for better or for worse.

Combined with “Organic Uni-Peace Method” and “Theory of Continental Unity” will give us Guaranteed outcome to reduce minimum 50% of Uni-Budgets for Peace & Security and 40% of Uni-Health Budgets. Also, within 18 years we would able to claim the best ‘Uni-Living Community’ with uppermost Peace and sustainable economical strength ever in this planet.

We must should to pay an ‘INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION’ on Health & Education sectors to build a Uni-community by Organic Pro-Human. In fact, already we are almost there- as we have an established Health & Education system in every corner in this World. We need to modify and include some new scientific organic methods in the current Medical and Education systems including budgets and implementation.

It is in this context that the international community has been attempting to turn its attention toward the goal of sustaining peace. However, a recent report reads that “sustaining peace remains critically under-recognized, under-prioritized and under-resourced globally and within the United Nations system”.

We would like to strongly request the United Nations to administer and enforce a mandatory Uni-law for the Earth community on Uni-Health & Education to build “Uni-human as ONE STRONGEST IDENTITY”

to attain sustainable Peace

Ensure Human assisted – not Tech assisted Life!!!

Auto-Healer inside the Mother Womb
Biology assisted Energy Healer since ZERO
(Uni-Course for Mother: Simply Consciousness Movements for 9 months to produce an Auto-Conscious Uni-Human Community



Uni-Health & Education Systems
We need an “Uni-Health & Education System”
(Mother womb to 18 Years “Uni-Mother & Child Care System” to ensure that as a Human we are pro to operate this body in optimum level
by using simply Free Body Tools & Energies)

“Universal-Courses” from Mother Womb to build an Organic Human Community:

>Universal-Support from Concept in Mother Womb to 5 years:

>Universal-Support from 6 Years to 18 years:

> @ age of 18 – Mandatory Uni-Life Certificate as Pro-Human

We should feel proud as we got humor sense as the best gift of Mother Nature 


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